A Eucharistic Community of Faith, Love and Friendship
263 Atlantic Avenue, East Rockaway NY 11518 (516) 593-5000
ADULT CHOIR MINISTRY – The adult choir is a group of men and women who sing together each week on Sunday at the 10:30 Mass. This group is open to anyone with a melodious voice and desires to enhance the gifts and spirit of the St. Raymond’s Adult Choir. The choir practices on Wednesday evenings in the Church from 7:30PM to 9:30PM. Throughout the Church year, the adult choir can be heard singing at special liturgies and celebrations.
ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY - St. Raymond’s altar servers are comprised of boys and girls from grades 4 through 12. They assist our priests at all weekday and Sunday Masses, weddings, funerals and special liturgies, especially those during Holy Week. Training to be an altar server usually takes place in the spring. Being an altar server gives these boys and girls a chance to get to know our priests and deacons better and also to increase their own appreciation of the Mass.
ALTAR SOCIETY - The members of the Altar Society are individuals of the parish who maintain the appearance and cleanliness of the Sanctuary and Baptistery. We are also responsible for changing the linens, plants and flowers on the altar. Each team of two or three performs its duties approximately every 6 or 7 weeks during the year.
BAPTISM TEAM - As young families come forward desiring to have their children baptized at St. Raymond Church, the Baptism Team is there to welcome them into our faith family. The Baptism Team assists the deacons in preparing the families for the celebration of the Sacrament by attending the baptism orientation class and assisting at the baptism celebration. Most importantly, the Baptism Team members represent the whole parish in welcoming these families and their new babies, facilitating a connection between our parish and our young families. Baptism is the start of a lifetime of exploring faith at home and with the church and it gives us great joy to be present at this beautiful beginning. Being a part of the Baptism Team only requires a few hours of your time each year. A team member/couple assists with the preparation class on the first and third Sunday of each month and with the Baptism celebration on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. The more team members we have, the less the time commitment is required. It certainly is a rewarding and fun ministry to be a part of. In addition, we have “sewing angels” who make the beautiful white garments that are gifted to each baby at their baptism. If you are interested in putting your sewing talents to work please let us know.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT – A bereavement support group is a meeting of up to 8-10 people, all of who have experienced the death of a loved one. It’s an opportunity to talk about what that experience has been like with a group of people who are likely to understand because they themselves have been there. Often, attendees describe a bereavement support group as a “safe place,” a place where normal people who have experienced significant losses can tell their stories as often as they need to, knowing that these stories will be respected and held in strictest confidentiality by everyone there. A bereavement support group is not a therapy group. When it works well, it is healing. A bereavement support group is not primarily a social network. Often, friendships form as people get to know each other, but that is not the purpose of the group.
BOY SCOUTS - The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating, citizenship, and develops personal fitness. For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes – and, through over a century of experience, knows – that helping youth is key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society. Come and join Troop 332.
CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS (CYO) - At St. Raymond’s CYO our goal is for our children to have fun from kindergarten through high school. CYO offers swimming, basketball, volleyball, track and cheerleading. This organization is open to all and provides a fundamental understanding of sports, good sportsmanship as well as learning teamwork. The finest testament to our mission is the number of former players who come back to coach within the program. Sign up and find out what St. Raymond’s CYO is all about.
CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP - Through this prayer group, we have come to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. At our weekly meetings, we praise God, read scripture, share involvement in our lives, and are open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. We pray for our neighbors, sponsor a Healing Mass, and strive to be witnesses to others. Come and be blessed!!
CUB SCOUTS - St. Raymond’s Cub Scout Pack 84 – Our Scouts work very hard and have lots of fun obtaining awards, achievements and advances through the ranks. Our Leaders are 100% trained and enjoy the involvement scouting provides. All 1st through 5th graders are welcome to explore scouting and the many things that are available, including: camping, day camps, BBQs, outings, sports and competitions.
ENDOW PROGRAM - ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Woman) is a program of prayer and study that brings women together to discover their God-given dignity and to understand their role in humanizing and transforming society. Endow provides women a way to explore what it means to be a Catholic woman today and to understand what a gift it is to be a feminine person created in God’s image. Endow promotes John Paul II “New Feminism”, which recognizes and affirms what he calls the “genius of women” and responds to our culture’s desperate need for an authentic feminine presence in every aspect of life and society. To facilitate study, Endow arranges women into small groups so they can unpack together the theological treasures of our Catholic faith. Each study course is about 8-10 weeks in length and is led by a trained facilitator. By providing knowledge and fellowship in an intimate group setting, ENDOW also fosters a sense of belonging and gives women an opportunity to deeply understand and personalize the faith that draws us together. Currently there are two groups here in the parish, with 20 members. ENDOW is a wonderful way to join women of faith who share the readings and encourage opinions and experiences in the church. The knowledge obtained fosters a better understanding of God and our religion. You can get more information on Endow at or call Endow at (720)382-5242.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Each Thursday afternoon from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. time is set aside for personal prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in Our Lady’s Chapel located by the Roosevelt Avenue entrance of the Church. This provides “quiet time” for individuals with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to adore, praise, thank and ask the Lord for His graces. This privileged time ends with Benediction at 4 p.m.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST (EM’s) – These ministers assist the Priests and Deacons in the distribution of the Eucharist at all Masses. Eucharistic Ministers also bring Communion to our homebound parishioners on a regular basis, visit area hospitals and bring the Body of Christ to nursing homes. Training classes are given by the Diocese in the spring and fall (2 Saturdays each session). At the end of these classes, a training session is given at St. Raymond’s to those who have completed the courses.
FAITH & FRIENDSHIP MINISTRY – The Faith & Friendship Ministry is all about spreading the gospel words of Jesus, “Love One Another, As I Have Loved You.” This ministry strives to create a welcoming atmosphere of love by building relationships in heart, mind and body with all here within St. Raymond’s parish. Over the past ten years, this ministry has been blessed to present annual parish days of enrichment, such as the World Marriage Day, the Family Picnic and the Advent Family Fun Workshop. This ministry meets at least once quarterly in the rectory and invites all who care to be a part of spreading the “Good News” to join.
FAMILY MASS MINISTRY – The Family Mass is designed to engage children and their families through participatory homilies and dramatizations. All the children are invited to the altar, a child reads the Liturgy of the Word and the family of that child is invited to bring up the Offertory gifts. The Family Mass Committee plans the Mass theme based on the readings and Gospel of the day. Take home gifts are given to the children which reinforce the Gospel message. Family Mass is on the third Sunday of every month, from September through June, at the 9AM Mass. Attending the Family Mass is a wonderful way to introduce little ones to the Mass and also to have the children involved in the liturgy.
FINANCE COMMITTEE - The parish Finance Council is a group of parishioners who assist the pastor in managing the financial and temporal matters of the parish. The council is made up of the two Parish Trustees, a representative from St. Raymond School and some additional members. All members are appointed by the pastor. Annual duties include review of the parish’s financial budget before submission to the diocese; six month review (September-February) of parish’s actual statement and analysis of year-end financial report (September-August). In addition, the council will meet as needed to help with any other fiscal issues and temporal matters concerning the parish.
FOCCUS - During an initial session, a married couple meets with an engaged couple one on one, to administer an inventory of questions relating to marriage. During a second session, the married couple facilitates a discussion on each of the concerns indicated by the couple’s responses
FOLK GROUP - is made up of members as young as 7th grade to adults who have children in the group! Our mission is to inspire our fellow parishioners through our song and love for the Lord. We practice on Wednesday nights in the rectory basement from 7:00 - 8:30 and again at 11:00 Sunday morning before we sing at 12pm Noon Mass. In addition to leading song at Sunday Mass, we also sing on Good Friday for the 3pm Service and then Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm. Our music echoes the themes of each station; it is a truly amazing night of reflection. Finally, our group provides music for occasions such as weddings and funerals. We are always looking for new members. If you are interested in joining, please come down on a Wednesday night or Sunday and meet the wonderful kids who are the heart of our group!
GIRL SCOUTS - In Girl Scouts, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Through a myriad of enriching experiences, such as extraordinary field trips, sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardships, girls grow courageous and strong. Girl Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others. Come join Troop 2600.
GUATEMALAN SISTER PARISH PROJECT - Our sister Parish Project in Guatemala has its mission: to improve the standard of living for the people of Guatemala; through assisting the local parish and by helping to educate the children. We provide parish assistance, monthly sponsorship for children & annual mission awareness trips in July.
HUMAN LIFE COMMITTEE - The purpose of St. Raymond’s Human Life Committee is to speak out against the injustices committed against human life from conception to natural death. Our primary focus is on the most blatant attack against human life, that of abortion, the intentional killing of the youngest in our human family-the babies in the womb. We do this through prayer, education, weekly prayer presence in front of an abortion facility, working with crisis pregnancy centers to help women bring their babies to birth, alerting our parishioners of any anti-life legislation being considered on the state or federal level and many other activities throughout the year. Meetings are held every third Monday of the month, 1:00 P.M.-2:30 P.M. in the Msgr. Walsh Room. All are welcome.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. If you’d like to be a part of an international organization of 1.8 million Catholic men whose principal work involves helping others in need, we’d like to meet you and invite you to join us. The Msgr. Walsh/St. Raymond Council supports the Parish of St. Raymond and the community of East Rockaway in a variety of ways. Our council meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Hewlett Point Yacht Club. (Click here to open our website in a new tab)
LADIES AUXILIARY – Knights of Columbus - The Ladies Auxiliary was reinstated in October 2014 with the intention of fostering a cohesive relationship with the Knights of Columbus and assist in their mission. Aside from assisting the Knights, it is our goal to provide additional service to the community with fundraising, social and spiritual events. Membership is open to women 18 and older. We meet the first Monday of every month at 8 P.M. If you are interested, you can e-mail us at
LECTORS MINISTRY - The lectors are responsible for preparing the Book of the Word on the Ambo before each Mass. Lectors are also responsible for announcing the Mass at the start of Mass – (what page to find the readings for the day), who the Mass is intended for, and who the presider and deacon of the Mass are. They will read the first and second readings during Mass, as well as reading any announcements at the conclusion of Mass.
LIGHT OF THE WORLD - This committee formulates programs of educational and spiritual enrichment opportunities for our parishioners. Speakers and presentations on various topics related to the Church help us to broaden and deepen our relationship with God and the Church. Look for these events advertised in the Sunday bulletin.
MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION - The Consolation 10 Ministry includes volunteers who work in teams and are usually on call for one week at a time, usually once every five to six weeks. During this time we meet with the family of the deceased to plan the funeral Mass and help the family with any questions they may have. On the day of the funeral Mass, we put the readings and the Offertory gifts out, give out the booklets, greet the family, attend the funeral Mass and help the family in any way we can. This is a ministry of service.
NOCTURNAL ADORATION SOCIETY- meets the first Friday of every month at 8pm – 9pm in the church. Our Holy Hour of Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament 10 is fashioned after the Liturgy of the Hours, the official prayer of the Church. This brief hour affords the opportunity for a blend of communal and private prayer, as well as praying for global, community and personal needs. The hour concludes with Benediction. All are welcome and details are printed in the bulletin.
PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY - Our Parish Social Ministry provides a variety of services to help make the trials of daily living more bearable for those in need. It is the “Heart of the Parish”. There is a very active food pantry which gets special attention at Thanksgiving and Christmas. September finds us helping out with school supplies and at Easter there are plenty of Easter Baskets. Friendly visitors and an at-home prayer group are available to the housebound. Drivers help get people to their medical appointments. The semi-annual blood drive helps with badly needed supplies of blood. The Ministry of Consolation is ready to serve those who have experienced a death of a loved one. Guidance and information is given about housing, immigration, legal and employment questions. The art club provides instruction and socialization.
PASTORAL COUNCIL - The Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners who meet with the Pastor on the first Thursday of the month from September through June. They work together in forming and creating an ongoing vision of what the parish is doing, what it can accomplish and where it might go. Members are chosen because they are suited for the task of long range planning on current issues. Nominees need not be members of a parish ministry, but must be a registered and participating member in good standing of St. Raymond’s Parish. An ability to share experiences and elicit visions from parishioners are traits that are most desirable. The Pastor will meet with prospective members by appointment during the summer. Council members are appointed for a three-year term.
PRE-CANA MINISTRY - Pre-Cana brings us joy as we help to prepare engaged couples for their life together as husband and wife. Every time we work a session with the engaged couples we, as facilitators, also feel it is a renewal of our own marriage. It reinforces our areas of strength and also areas we need to work on in our marital commitment to each other.
RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION of ADULTS RCIA is a process in which those candidates interested in becoming Catholics grow in understanding of a love relationship with Our Lord. Adults and older teenagers meet each week on Monday evenings from 7:30 – 9:30pm with a team of parishioners and St. Raymond’s Parish Staff. All share their knowledge and experience of their faith. A different topic is presented at each session, using the Bible, videos, discussions, etc. This initiation process comes to completion at the Easter Vigil when the candidates receive the Sacraments. Sessions begin in September.
SAINT RAYMOND’S MEN’S PRAYER GROUP – Our group meets once a month, usually on the last Friday of the month. We begin with praying Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) in Our Lady’s Chapel at 8:00pm. We then proceed to the Rectory dining room for discussion on the book we are currently reading. This year the book is: Jesus, A Pilgrimage by Father James Martin, SJ. During the summer months we “take a break” from reading and simply have a discussion on current events, sports or whatever comes up.
SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL - The Society has been present and serving at St. Raymond Parish for over 43 years. After making a home visit to assess the needs of a family, we provide emergency and short term assistance. Food is provided from our pantry. We help with rent, utilities, prescriptions and other costs when appropriate. We coordinate with other providers, make referrals to other resources for clients and advocate for clients with the Department of Social Services.
SODALITY OF OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION - The Sodality of Our Lady is a religious body aimed at fostering in its members an ardent devotion, reverence and filial love for the Blessed Virgin Mary and is affiliated with the World Federation of Christian Communities. Our motto is “To Jesus Through Mary.” The Sodality of the Annunciation of Our Lady was formed in St. Raymond’s Parish in 1932 and now has close to 300 members. The goal of our organization is to grow in love and community and is open to women of all ages. Our mission is: to promote the spiritual welfare of women in our parish by encouraging them to find and love Christ more freely through devotion to the Blessed Mother; foster the observance of daily worship and prayer, help the needy and poor of the community and to a greater extent, the world, and encourage veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Exemplar. (Click here to view current Sodality happenings.)
USHERS MINISTRY - The ushers are a volunteer group of men and women who provide services at Sunday Mass such as welcoming parishioners, collecting the weekly contributions and presenting these gifts at the Offertory, guiding the communicants, distributing the weekly bulletin and assisting anyone with an emergency need. An usher is assigned to one Mass each weekend and, when available, to a Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation.
YOUth GROUP MINISTRY - The YOUth group is a ministry that reaches out to our junior and senior high school students to give them a sense of belonging. This ministry promotes a Christian lifestyle and offers moral guidance, spiritual support and positive social activities. Each spring the group attends an overnight retreat to Graymoor Spiritual Life Center in Garrison, NY where they visit St. Christopher’s Inn – the most successful drug/alcohol rehab facility in New York State. During the summer, some of the students visit our sister parish in Guatemala for a mission awareness experience