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Our office will close for the summer on Thursday 6/13/2024.  We will continue to come to the office every week but on limited hours.  The Registration process will continue, phone messages and e-mails will be responded to.  

Our 2024/2025 Religious Education program is in need of 2 more catechists for the following grades and days:

1 Catechists for 3rd Grade - 3:30pm-4:30pm - 1 Wednesday

1 Catechist for 6th Grade - 3:30pm-4:30pm - 1 Thursday

The Religious Education school year goes from September 23rd, 2024 - April 10th, 2025.

Please consider teaching one of these classes.  An option to think about is team teaching - two teachers can split the year, alternate weeks or alternate months.  Whatever you decide to do so that the commitment is not overbearing. There is no Registration fee for Catechists.  The teacher manuals are very user friendly and geared to adults who are not professional teachers.  Please let us know if you are able to help us - our Ministry is one of extreme importance because it keeps our faith strong and alive for years to come.

Registration forms can be found on the Parish website.  Please fill them out in their entirety and mail to the Religious Education office with full payment.  Our address is:  263 Atlantic Ave., East Rockaway, NY  11518.

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